
  • Enrichers (BaseConfigEnricher derived classes) run in the main thread; they start as many worker threads (BaseConfigEnricherThread derived classes) as those configured.

  • Each enricher has its own worker thread class (WORKER_THREAD_CLASS attribute).

  • The ConfigBuilder instance that has in charge the whole config building process is passed as the first parameter during the __init__(), so that enrichers have full access over the builder and its internal data structure.

  • The prepare() method is called to allow the setup of the enricher. This code run in the main thread.

  • Worker threads are then setted up (and, optionally, configured via the _config_thread() method). This code run in the main thread.

  • The add_tasks() method of the enricher is called; its purpose is to add tasks to the self.tasks_q queue. This code run in the main thread.

  • Threads are then started; here, tasks are fetched from the tasks queue and passed to the do_task() method. This code run in the worker threads.

  • When the method returns, its return value is passed to the save_data() along with the original task; save_data() is executed inside a lock.

  • Exceptions raised within the worker threads are added to the worker thread’s self.errors_q queue, that is finally read by the enricher; if one exception occurred in any of the worker threads a BuilderError() exception is raised.


class MyOwn_ConfigEnricher(BaseConfigEnricher):

    WORKER_THREAD_CLASS = MyOwn_ConfigEnricher_WorkerThread

    def add_tasks(self):
        task = read_from_config_builder()

class MyOwn_ConfigEnricher_WorkerThread(BaseConfigEnricherThread):

    DESCR = "MyOwnEnricher"

    def do_task(self, task):
        # Perform some time-wasting job related to task, for example
        # acquire external data from slow sources...
        myown_data = do_something_with(task)

    def save_data(self, task, data):
        myown_data = data